Sabtu, 27 Februari 2010

MITOS , believe or not believe !

kita pasti sering banget dicekokin sama mitos orang dulu . misalnya kayak anak perempuan ngga boleh tidur sore , kalo nyapu harus bersih , foto bertiga ngga boleh , dan masih banyak lagi .
asli ya gue PARANOID abis sama foto yang bertiga belakangan ini . dulu sih gue ngga parno parno amat karena menurut gue hidup dan mati di tangan Tuhan . cuma ada suatu kejadian yang bikin gue parno . ada orang foto bertiga dan pas banget dia ditengah ngga lama kemudian dia meninggal . ya mungkin itu emang udah takdir Tuhan tapi tetep aja gue agak takut . apalagi gue sering foto bertiga dan gue selalu di tengah *ngga selalu sih tapi banyakan ditengah haha*

gue rada takut sih tapi ya gue harus percaya kalo Tuhan Yesus selalui menyertai gue dalam segala hal dan semua yang terjadi di hidup gue adalah rencanaNYA yang paling indah :))

Jumat, 19 Februari 2010

it was time to NARSIS :p

MONDAY , February 15th , 2010

as usual i went to school . but the special is that we didn't wear uniform but we may wear free clothes buth with the red theme colour or pink in honor of celebrating the new year china :) i and my friends felt like a college student :D and we all look so beautiful hihi ;p i and my friends had captured the images on my friend's handphone but i haven't bluetooth photos so i can't upload photos :( other than handphone , we also took the picture via webcam :)
and here it's my photos :

me and my close friend :)

in this photo , i took during public speaking lessons .

me and my close friend :)

i took when the second break came .

what the hell it is !

i know that there's no eternal friendship and always end up being enemy :@ we can spell friendship , F-R-I-E-N-D-S-H-I-P but we don't know what the mean of it . so hard to me to describe friendship especially friends at class . everything has changed since something happened . someone who was once close to me turned away because i had a problem with my close friend . i think we close for this is based on a sense of friendship , but apparently NOT !

it's hard to find a true friend . but i know it's a examination of my Lord Jesus for His servants :) i know that He has a good plan for me and now i'm going through all this with a smile and like water flowing .

and for you who makes me angry because your attitude , please don't judge me only from one side ! like an angel you are surrounded by men but that's only for NOW !

Sabtu, 06 Februari 2010

mr.anton and ms.corry's wedding party :)

okay i will tell you about my saturday at wedding party :)
saturday , february 6th , 2010 .

me and my friends

ms.corry is an admistration in senior high school . before i went to her wedding party yesterday , i went to my friend home . i and my friends went to HABE to ate there . and we are prapared to come to the her wedding :)
pricil , me , yohanna , and yenni

after arriving there , we shook hands with the bride and we took a picture . we sat together while enjoying dishes that have been provided . i and my friend filled event at the her wedding . we met our chemistry's teacher , mathematics's teacher , physics's teacher , and an administration in junior high school .
me and my friends

i had shed a tears when i saw the wedding :') about 8 o'clock i was on my way home with my friends and i joined my friend's car . so about 9 o'clock i just got home . it was amazing ! and it was my first satnite with my friends at night :)

thanks God for yesterday . it was an unforgettable experience !

Jumat, 05 Februari 2010

now i found a friend during elementary school :)

once when i was at primary school . i had a friend , she's Ami . but she moved to the Bekasi in grade 4 elementary school . she who introduced me about many thing :) i know that i have a lot of mistakes to her :(

before she moved , she got me necklace from Singapore , photos , and her Bobo's magazine . but i'm sorry , Mi ! i can't keep your things to me . i lost it all . i remembered that we can still send letters . and you give me your father's phone number but the letters was lost somewhere . so , i don't have your father's phone number .

but now , i've been found your facebook and you still remember me . i'm happy to hear that you still remember me :) and i saw your facebook that now you lived at Bali , your home . and i also saw that you had a boyfriend , i'm glad to looked that . i just say i'm sorry to you if i have a lot of mistakes . i know that i'm not perfect but if Jesus allow to me , i'll be the better friend for you . and i promise that i won't to lose you and lost contact with you . you're the best ever i had :)

thanks God i loveeeee you so much